BHA Speaker Series: Victory Gardens

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Program Description

Event Details

Victory Gardens

This presentation will not be recorded.

Please note:

  • Registration is optional, but is advised due to limited seating.
    • Registered patrons will have a seat.
    • Waitlisted patrons are invited to use standing room.
    • Walk-ins will be admitted if space allows
  • Doors open at 6:30pm. Presentation begins at 7pm.

Description of the Program: It has been said that an army travels on its stomach. Never was this more true than during the dark days of WWII. This session examines the unprecedented contributions made by millions of ordinary Americans who fought the war literally in their own backyards growing food for themselves, the army, and our allies in small plots known as Victory Gardens.

Speaker Bio: Jeffrey Urbin is the Education Specialist and Director of the Pare Lorentz Film Center at the Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidential Library and Museum in Hyde Park, New York. He is responsible for developing all of the Library’s education al programs and materials for students ranging from second grade to college and including adult learning and public programs across the country and around the world.

About This Series: The Town of Bethlehem Historical Association (BHA) has been incorporated as a not-for-profit membership organization since 1965. Along with upkeep of collections and exhibits at the Cedar Hill Schoolhouse Museum at 1003 River Rd. Selkirk, the BHA is pleased to continue its long tradition of presenting fall and spring series of talks by distinguished local speakers on a variety of topics designed to stimulate an appreciation of our historic heritage. This series of historical talks is presented through a partnership with the Town of Bethlehem Historical Association.


*** We cannot hold two seats for one registration ***